Kubanenergo prepared one of the most important power facilities in Slavyansky district to summer peak loads

Following the schedule of Repair programme 2015 specialists of Kubanenergo (Rosseti group) carried out maintenance at 110kV “Novopetrovskaya” substation in Slavyanskiy district, Krasnodar region.

In the course of the works engineers of Salvyanskiye electric networks repaired all equipment that is installed at this substation and painted it. In order to eliminate cases of unauthorized access to the territory of power facility a fence, locking devices and safety signs were installed.

This substation provides energy supply to about three thousand domestic consumers in several villages of Slabyansky district (Galitsyn, Belikov, Pogorelovo and Vodny) and 11 facilities of social use among which hospital, water withdrawal point, sewage treatment plants, schools and kindergartens. Apart from that the substation supplies electric power to the largest manufacturer of ceramic bricks in the south of Russia.

The carried out repair works at “Novopetrovskaya” substation will greatly enhance reliability of electricity supply to consumers, which is especially important during the summer season.