Kubanenergo is getting ready for summer peak loads

As part of preparation of high-voltage equipment for summer load peaks the engineers of Armavirskiy branch of Kubanenergo (part of companies’ group “Russian Grids”) started the maintenance programme in the east of Krasnodar region.

Engineers of Armavirskiy branch of “Kubanenergo” JSC started the maintenance programme 2015 on “Otrado-Kubanskaya” and “Dmitrievskaya” substations in Gulkevichisky and Kavkazsky districts. Engineers will carry out the maintenance of high-voltage equipment, adjustment of relay and automatic equipment by the end of April. It is planned to finish works with preventive test of oil-filled equipment.

The implemented works allow to increase the reliability of electric power supply to more than seven thousand customers and about 15 heat and water supply facilities of two settlements of Gulkevichisky and Kavkazsky districts.

Engineers of Armavir electric networks plan to implement maintenance at seven substations, about 500 km of overhead lines of various voltage class and clear-off 30 hectares of trees and vegetation by the end of 2015.

The implementation of maintenance programme helps decrease risks of facilities breakdown and provide the necessary reliability level of grid facilities in the responsibility area of the Company in the period of summer peak loads.