Power grid complex of Kuban region is ready for spring flood season

Engineers of Kubanenergo JSC (Rosseti JSC group of companies) have carried out a range of activities for provision of trouble-free operation of power grid complex of Krasnodar region and the Republic of Adygea during spring seasonal floods.

Executive body and branches of Kubanenergo instituted special committees for monitoring the situation with floods. These committees have prepared a list of facilities located in high risk area. Our specialists perform continuous monitoring of water level and regularly inspect routes of power lines that pass through rivers and reservoirs.

Engineers are checking emergency equipment and materials in order to be ready in case of flood and respond promptly to emergencies. They also participate in emergency response drills in areas of possible floods to rehearse the anticipated emergency scenarios and how to restore power supply and to inform customers on the process of recovery works, inspect power lines, substations, pylons and transformer units that are located in lowlands and flood zones.

In case of emergency we have rubber and motor boats in stock, backup power sources, pumps. Interaction and information exchange with local authorities and divisions of EMERCOM, Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of Russia was arranged.

Measures taken to prepare networks of Kubanenergo to season of spring floods are meant to provide uninterrupted and reliable power supply to consumers in the period of intensive snow melting and freshet.

Remember that you can phone one toll free line 8(800)100-15-52 to inform us on flooding of power facilities or get information about power supply.