22 million rubles to repair distribution grid in Adygeya

Under repair programme 2015 Adygeisky Kubanenergo JSC (part of Rosseti JSC group of companies) plans to invest over 22 million rubles to repair distribution equipment in rural areas of Apsheronsky and Belorechensky districts of Krasnodar region and Giaginsky, Maikopsky, Krasnogvardeisky, Koshekhablsky and Shovgenovsky districts of Adygeya Republic.

The branch plans to overhaul and clear the routes from trees and bushes of about 60 overhead lines of 0.4-10kV. Our engineers will replaces broken and damaged poles, wires, insulators and straighten the poles.

Within one year 55 transformer stations will be overhauled and equipment will be replaced. The most of the works the Company will carry out using its own resources.

Implementation of activities aimed at preparation of equipment to peak loads in summer and autumn of 2015/2016 should provide reliable and uninterrupted supply of electricity to customers in 7 districts of Krasnodarskiy region and Adygeya which total population of around 500 thousand people.