Six thousand kilometers of power lines in western part of the region are prepared for winter

Kubanenergo JSC (part of Rosseti JSC group of companies) teams while preparing for winter season have overhauled more than 20 kilometers  and performed maintenance work on over 5.9 thousand kilometers of 0.4-10kV power lines in Slavyanskiy, Krasnoarmeiskiy and Temryukskiy districts of Krasnodar region. 


Our specialists replaced about 140 defective pylons and more than 1.6 thousand insulators.

About 80 kilometers of outdated wire were replaced with the new one – a wire with larger cross-section diameter. This should greatly improve quality of electric energy and reduce technical losses.

On the overhead power lines new disconnectors were installed that allow to cut off only the damaged sector and keep energy supply to most part of consumers in case of any faults occurring.


In order to enhance quality, reliability and safety of energy supply lead-ins in two thousand households were installed with using a self-supporting insulated conductor. 

Specialists of Kubanenergo branch – Slavyanskiy electrical grids repaired more than 20 package transformer substations and 10 power transformers.

More than 250 hectares of transmission line routes were cleared off from trees and bushes.