Car fleet of Ust-Labinskiy branch of Kubanenergo was replenished by new specials-purpose vehicles

Car fleet of Us-Labinskiy branch of Kubanenergo JSC (part of Russian Grids Group of Companies) has bought five new units:  freight cars GAZ, flat lorry with auto-hydraulic hoist.


Replenishment of car fleet with comfortable modern four-wheel-drive cars with cross-country capacity and high performance will make delivery of repair and maintenance teams to job sites easier and, thus, boost     efficiency of activities when eliminating technological breaks, which means that the main task of the Company – uninterrupted energy supply and qualitative services – will be fulfilled.   


Three vehicles “Sobol” were sent to Tbilisskiy, Vyselovskiy and Ust-Labinskiy distribution zone. Korenovskiy distribution zone got auto-hydraulic hoist, and “Yeger” will be sent to the main depot. Currently the car –park of Ust-Labinskiy branch of Kubanenergo has 150 different vehicles. 


- Technical re-equipment is one the top-priority tasks, which the company settles in order to optimize the amount of vehicles and renew that car park of special machines, as well to enhance efficiency of   special purpose vehicles, said Mikhail Suvorov, director of Ust-Labinskiy branch of Kubanenergo.