Specialists of Russian Grids group of companies work 24/7 to eliminate consequences of rough weather in several districts of Krasnodar region and Adygeya Republic

Regardless the tough weather conditions specialists of group of companies Russian Grids continue on recovery and repair works in damaged districts of Krasnodar region and Adygeya Republic.  All the works will last till the energy supply is fully restored. 


Repair and emergency works are complicated by ever worsening weather – low temperature, snow, strong wind up to 30 meters per second. If the weather does not get worse out specialists plan to complete the restoration works within the shortest possible period of time. First of all particular attention our teams pay to recovery of energy supply to social buildings. They reallocate the load and use backup power sources. 


For elimination of technological faults in distribution complex in responsibility are of Kubanenergo JSC more than 160 teams, about 700 hundred specialists and 150 special vehicles are involved, as well as other energy grid companies that monitor the Kuban region.

By decision of headquarters of electric grid complex Russian Grids shifts are being rearranged in order to increase the number of teams working on consequences of bad weather.

Our specialists cooperate with regional and municipal power bodies and regional EMERCOM teams.

All the works are controlled by the headquarters of electric grid complex Russian Grids. In order to informs citizens on the process of recovery works Kubanenergo opened a round-the-clock hotline 8-800-100-15-52. 


For information  

According to data of Department of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Agency in Southern Federal district and North Caucasus on 29-30 January it will snow on the whole territory of Krasnodar region and Adygeya Republic, except Sochi, in Novorossiysk snowstorm and strong wind reaching 30 meters per second is expected.