200 students participate in on-the-job training in Kubanenergo

This summer Kubanenergo executive office and branches expect 200 students from educational institutions of Krasnodar region and Republic of Adygeya.


Students from 17 power engineering faculties will come to Kubanenergo for pre-degree practice and work practice at   the Company. Also Kubanenergo welcomes students from other spheres: journalism, central and local government, accounting, finance and credit, legal studies, global economy, human resource management, informatics and many others.


The main goal of such practices is teaching to young people professional skills and getting them acquainted with peculiarities of work at Kubanenergo and in power industry in general. Students have a monitor whose task is to evaluate the trainee and point out the potential employee. 


Every trainee at Kubanenergo is briefed for accident prevention and fire safety, gets acquainted with corporate labour policy and company history.

Organization of such on-the-job-training for the students is a part of  employees training system aimed at provision of Kubanenergo with qualified specialists in the future.