Kubanenergo revealed 153 facts of stealing electric energy in Slavyanskiy district

The inspections during first half-year of 2013 carried out by Kubanenergo branch – Slavyanskiye electric grids revealed 153 facts of stealing electric energy by both natural persons and legal entities on the territory of Slavyanskiy, Krasnoarmeiskiy and Temryukskiy districts of Krasnodar region.


The total unauthorized consumption of electric energy exceeded 8 million kilowatt hour. The inflicted damage was evaluated and necessary documents on the fats of stealing were prepared.


Such inspections on revealing cases of unwarranted consumption of electric energy yield the results. From the beginning of the year consumers have compensated more than 384 thousand rubles. рублей. Those that fail to pay the debts in due time are to answer to court bearing additional legal expenses.


Inspections regularly held by our specialists are the part of programme of Kubanenergo aimed at reduction of commercial losses of electric energy. Apart from it, they also have informative function  - our specialists explain that unauthorized connection to girds and tampering with metering devices negatively influence the quality of energy supply as well as constitute a danger to life and health of people.