OJSC "Kubanenergo" sent 1.8 million rubles. the repair of five stations in three districts of Kuban
Staff of the Leningrad power grids - the branch of OJSC "Kubanenergo" (included in the group of companies OJSC "IDGC Holding"), this week has carried out major repairs of five substations voltage class 35 kV and 110 kV in Leningrad, Kushchevskaya and Eysk districts of Krasnodar Territory.

At the substation 110 kV "Chervonnaya" repaired electric power transformer rated at 2.5 MVA. In particular, the coils are replaced by lower-voltage 10 kV, which are necessary to convert the voltage from 110 kV to 10 kV, and drying performed in connection with the transformer high humidity of transformer oil. Substations of 35 kV voltage class, "Alexander", "Kanelovskaya-2", "Yeisk grain farm" and "2nd Five-Year Plan" service specialists substations restored mechanical lock that is used to prevent erroneous actions of operating personnel during switching.

In total, for works of OJSC"Kubanenergo" sent more than 1.8 million rubles. Refurbished substations provide power 17 thousand customers, as well as three socially significant objects in the five villages of Krasnodar Territory.